The Tennis Zone
Training Planning
To plan a training session, it is important to set a training aim.
Depending on the training aim, Tennis Zone offers you a lot of drills & games. For clarity, we have divided the training aims into long-term and short-term training aims to plan the training session in a good and structured way.
Upcoming developments
We a working to improve the app in the future. In the upcoming months, we will offer you more drills & games, a planner..... The planner will allow you to set the drills & games for a complete training week.
Long-term training aims
The division of the drills & games into long-term training aims gives you a "roadmap" on how you want to structure your game-based tennis training in the long term. We deliberately use the same long-term training aims for technique and tactics. This will make it easier for you to draw a close connection between the training aims of technique and tactics.
Training units
A long-term training aim is achieved through many training units (weeks/months), depending on the training intensity and performance development. A long-term training aim is achieved through many short-term training aims.
Short-term training aims
We have divided the short-term training aims into technique-oriented and tactics-oriented aims.
Training units
A short-term training aim should be developed over at least 3 training sessions (depending on performance). In further training lessions, the old short-term training aim should continue to be addressed parallel to the new short-term training aim until you have the feeling that your players have internalised the old short-term training aim.
Systematic training planning and development
The division into long-term and short-term training aims gives you the opportunity to develop your players more systematically. It is crucial that you ask yourself two questions before each training lession.
5:00 pm group
Long-term training aim: Placed baseline play
Short-term training aim: Improvement of backhand (topspin) from the game situation (cross and longline play)
As soon as you have answered both questions, you can put together the right drills & games for your training lession and always have a very good training structure in your training work.