Tennis Zone
We believe that technique should always be developed and trained as a way in which to solve a game situation, rather than regarding technique as a means to an end in itself. The aim of the Tennis Zone app is to support players of all ages in learning to play tennis as independently as possible using a variety of strokes and to develop this ability further. We have based the development of the drills & games on the basis of the latest sports science findings.
Game-based tennis training
In our opinion, game-based tennis training is the best. It is the most innovative training method in tennis. In game-based tennis training, technique is taught in real game linke situations and is closely related to tactics development. In addition, the technique and tactics training is supported by intensive coordination training. Here, the coach is not just director of instructor, but rather an advisor, supporter and tip giver. The players are involved much more intensively in the game-based tennis training and thus develop into players who are intelligent and self-confident.
In the following we describe the Technical aims in game-based tennis training with Tennis Zone.
Methodical technique training
- From a very short backswing, to an increased backswing and outswing.
- From playing in a small field of play, to playing in increasingly larger fields of play.
- From running short distances, to running longer distances.
- From safe groundstrokes, to placed groundstrokes, to offensive groundstrokes.
- From large zones, to smaller zones.
- From simple body movements and actions , to the use of more body movements (weight shifting, upper body rotation...).
- From simple drill situations, to more complex technique drill situations.
Situational technique training
In game-based tennis training, the stroke technique is called a tool.
The more tools the player has, the better he can solve a game situation.
Additionally, the quality of the tools is often a deciding factor in a game situation.
The target direction determines the stroke execution
In order to develop winning tools, the stroke technique should never be trained in isolation, but should always be conducted in a game situation. The target (zone) determines the execution of the stroke.
The most effective tools are always simple and effective in order to solve any game situations in a meaningful way with a positive outcome.
Early play ability
We have designed the drills using the areas of safe baseline and net play in such a way that early game abilities are promoted in beginners.
Tennis is a game of rallies!
It is important to us that tennis is perceived as an interactive game (rally game) from the very beginning.
Through an early ability to play the game, beginners develop a certainty of action that gives them the feeling, "…it is easier than I thought" or "…great feeling to hit the ball" with the result, “I love Tennis!
Smooth transition
The transition to placed baseline play and then later to offensive and defensive play should be designed in such a way that your players can build on their current playing ability. Of course, it is okay to include a basket drill in between. However, the aim should be a predominantly rally oriented training. The drills of the Tennis Zone App gives you the possibility to design your training using a rally method. Your players can experience tennis in a varied and interesting way.
Serve and Return from a technical point of view
Serve and return take on an increasingly important role in tennis and should be learned and trained as early as possible. Unfortunately, this is often not the rule because the serve is a very technically demanding movement. For this reason, we would like to show you possibilities of how you can teach the serve in a constructive way.
1. Safe serve:
- Safe serve into the middle large court (zone).
- Safe crosscourt serve into the half court side (deuce side or add side).
2. Accurate serve:
- Accurate serve into the service box.
- Accurate serve into the serve zone (S-Zone) of the service box.
3. Offensive/attacking serve:
- Offensive serve into the S-Zone with higher speed.
Following shots
The same applies to the serve and return as to the other stroke techniques. The serve/return should always be trained in a situational context with at least 1-2 following shots. That's why we provide you with many drills in the serve/return drills section with the corresponding following shots. In this way, you can integrate the very important serve and return into your training early on.
Differentiated technique implementation
In tennis, every stroke is different. There will never be two identical strokes in a row. For this reason, differentiated technique training combined with a game situation is crucial. Unfortunately, techniques are still taught in a stereotypical way that is far too consistent. In order to train in a match based way, you can carry out differentiated training whilst using the tennis zone drills as follows:
1. Rally drill
In the rally oriented drill, the utilisation of differentiated and varied technique always takes place. You can support this by playing the ball with different lengths, speed .... within the rally.
2. Basket drill
You can also achieve the utilisation of differentiated and varied technique whilst feeding from the basket. On the one hand, through your differentiated feeding from the basket and, on the other hand, by giving the players instructions on how to hit the ball:
- Differentiation of length
- Differentiation of direction
- Differentiation of tempo
- Differentiation of spin
Drill-game as a performance test
The drill-games are intended as performance tests. They give the drill a competitive character. If a drill has been played 1-3 times, the drill game variant is a good opportunity for you to test how well your players can implement the drill under competition conditions.
Rewarding point distribution
The rewarding point distribution of the drill-games allows us as coaches to take into account the differences in performance within a group and makes the drill-games challenging and motivating for the players.
Recognising strengths and weaknesses
Through the situational teaching of technique via the drills/drillgames, the players become more aware of their strengths and weaknesses and can relate them to game situations. In this way, the players perceive their strengths and weaknesses in a more differentiated way and do not generalise everything as one often heards on the tennis courts, "I can't hit a forehand today" or "No backhand goes in".
Another advantage of consciously noticing strengths and weaknesses is that the players can assess their own performance better.
Drills / Drill-games for Kids
Kids training is very different from junior/adult training for many reasons. Kids are just discovering the world. As a result, they usually process many experiences in imaginative re-enactments of what they have experienced.
We utilies this interest in our imaginative games. We package the teaching of technique in imaginative drills and drill-games with knights, wizards, monsters and so much more. In this way, we encourage the kids' motivation, as well as their concentration level and willingness to perform. The learning content is almost identical to the learning content of the juniors/adults, only the context is different. In our many years of training, we have found that the kids love the imaginative drills/drillgames and are very enthusiastic about them.
Tennis coach as an role model
It has been proven that kids learn much better by copying and imitating. Visual perception therefore plays a very important role. For this reason, we have structured the drills in the kids' training in such a way that you, as the tennis coach, are often a feeder. The kids look at the tennis coach's shot and can imagine the movement much better. Therefore, a predominantly basket feeding is not helpful for the development of the young players.
Another advantage of rally oriented training with the coach is that you, as a feeder, can control the ball change by balancing the tempo, the direction or the optimal height of the flight of the ball.
Suitable reward for kids
For kids aged 5-10 years, it is much more motivating if they do not get points for hitting the zone (kingdom, magic land...), but a suitable reward for kids such as goals, tennis balls or a small surprise (e.g. sweets). Points are not as motivating at this age as they are for juniors/adults because they seem too abstract and are not tangible for the kids.
Technique that inspires
Our aim is to inspire you in connection with the Tennis Zone App to use game-based tennis training.
If you already use game-based training, Tennis Zone is an excellent tool to develop your training further. For this reason, we would appreciate your constructive feedback.
We seek to continuously improve and unpgrade the Tennis Zone App to provide a high quality app for all tennis coaches.